Saturday, August 27, 2016

Using STEM

Wow that went fast!
Our first week back was crazy busy but crazy fun too.

Over the summer I decided to try something new with my class. I didn't want to just play silly get to know you games, I wanted to give them a more meaningful activities to help them get to know their new classmates.

So I set out to search pinterest to find inspiration. And there I found some great STEM activities that were simple enough I wouldn't need a lot of extra supplies, and simple enough that my new firsties would be successful.

I then designed this nifty little PDF to either be printed, (or displayed on a white board) to explain each challenge. My firsties and I were only able to get to 2 during our first week. But MAN OH MAN was I blown away!!!

The first day of school we did the Stacking Cup Challenge. I couldn't have imagined the outcome of this challenge. First of all they were taking turns, and sharing ideas. Secondly, when that first red solo cup fell I heard this magical sound... 

LAUGHTER!! It was hilarious, the cups made the best sound ever, but laughter was not the reaction I was expecting from the kiddos.

<< << But what I witnessed next blew me away  >> >>

The kids were learning from their mistakes and looked to each other for motivation!!! ALL ON THEIR OWN! (Insert a bit of sarcasm the, I'm the total opposite of a helicopter mom or teacher)

I didn't have to give any hints, and I didn't have to encourage any groups to try again. When their cups fell they quickly picked them up, had a conversation, and went back to work. Almost like it was second nature. (again with the sarcasm) We did a quick talk - and were actually late for dismissal because of it - about the importance of carrying that same exact attitude the REST of first grade.

That night I went home and made them a very special Brag Tag for being such awesome people.

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